Falesti district is located in the north-western part of the Republic of Moldova, on a total area of 1072.6 km2. Falesti district is bordered by Glodeni, Ungheni, Singerei and mun. Balti.
The agricultural land of Falesti district is 80501,79 ha of which: arable – 57623,2 ha; multiannual plantations – 3711,63 ha; pastures and hayfields – 17500,13 ha; grassland – 1666,8 ha.
Falesti rayon has 76 localities, including cities – 1, localities within the city – 1, villages (communes) – 32, localities within villages (communes) – 74.
Falesti district consists of 33 municipalities (Falesti, Albinețul Vechi, Bocani, Catranîc, Calugăr, Calinesti, Chetriș, Ciolacu Nou, Egorovca, Falesti Noi, Glinjeni, Hincesti, Horești, Hiliuți, Ilenuța, Ișcalau, Izvoare, Logofteni, Mărăndeni, Musteța, Natalievca, Năvîrneț, Obreja Veche, Petrosu, Pînzăreni, Pîrlița, Pompa, Pruteni, Răuțel, Risipeni, Sărata Veche, Scumpia Taxobeni ) which includes 76 localities.
In Falesti district there are currently 12977 economic agents, including: 10755 – peasant households; 1109 – individual enterprises; 1113 – legal entities (499 – SRL, 24 – SA, 590 – other organizational forms). The main fields of activity of the business environment are: trade, provision of services, transport, construction, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, etc.
Heavy industry of the district is represented by 6 enterprises: SA “Protos”- production of pipes, provision of services; SA “Prut-80”- machinery, wood processing equipment, machinery, metal articles , SA “Sanitation Machine Plant”- equipment and machinery for road maintenance and construction, irrigation systems, metal and construction, SA “Specialized Enterprise for Repair of Technique”- repair of agricultural technique, tractors, repair of diesel engine power systems; Ltd. “Agas-Ros” – trade, provision of services, metal manufacturing; Ltd. “Metalgros” – provision of services, metal manufacturing.
The light industry of Falesti district is represented by 7 enterprises, 6 of which are with foreign capital: ÎCS ,,Marthatex”- manufacture of garments, textile articles; ÎCS “Textre” SRL – manufacture of garments, textile articles; ÎCS ,,Romina Cablaggi” SRL – assembly of electric cables for automobiles; ÎCS “Plastic-Manufacturing” SRL – assembly of toys; ÎSC “Gabriedil”- construction services, installation, repair of machinery for ÎCS ,,Romina Cablaggi” , SRL ,,Belig-Service”- textile articles; ÎCS “Excel Manufacturing” SRL- manufacture of garments, textile articles.
The manufacturing industry of Falesti district is represented by the enterprise “Mold-Nord” SA, Falesti Wine Factory.
Similarly, a considerable contribution to the development of the district’s economy is made by small business.