Subzone no.8, Alba Iulia str., Causeni
The subzone of Causeni city was created by law No 169 of 31.07.15, on a land of 8.5 ha, located on Alba Iulia street, Causeni city. It is located on public land for greenfield investment projects, which belongs to the Raion Council of Causeni and private land (3 ha public land + 5.5 ha private land).
The sub-area of the or. Causeni is located in the immediate vicinity of the city center. It is important to mention that there is a development plan for all the necessary technical infrastructure on this territory, works that will be carried out by the administration of the District Council, such as:
– Power system equipped and capable of providing any type of production:
– The electro-energy complex can provide a capacity of up to 2.5 MW;
– Ensuring category II reliability of electricity supply;
– Medium pressure natural gas d=0.125-0.25 mPa
– Drinking water 5000m3/24h;
– Sewage system – in the process of renovation;
– Fast internet access using fibre optic, ADSL, 3G, 4G technologies (Moldtelecom, Orange, Moldcell);
– Fixed telephony.