Mun. Orhei is an important city in the central part of the Republic of Moldova, located 48 km north of Chisinau. It is the administrative center of the district of the same name.
With a population of almost 34 thousand inhabitants (2016) and being the 9th largest city in the country, Orhei is one of the main economic centers of the Central Region of the country.
Its proximity to mun. Chisinau, sufficient and qualified workforce, as well as the availability of land for greenfield investment projects were the factors that influenced the decision of the Japanese company Sumitomo to identify and select Orhei as the location for the construction of the cable production plant in the Republic of Moldova.
Thus, in order to attract the Japanese investor, Sumitomo Electric Bordnetze (SEBN) company, on 20.11.2015 was created the subzone of the FEZ “Balti” in Orhei.