The city of Causeni is located in the south-eastern part of the Republic of Moldova, on the border with Ukraine, so 4 localities in the district are border regions. The district is bordered by Stefan-Vodă, Anenii-Noi and Cimislia districts.
The population of the district is 90,432 people. The share of the economically active population in the total population is 58.4%. The city of Causeni has a population of 17635 inhabitants, of which 10792 are aged 16-35 years.
Within 15 km from Causeni city there are 10 localities in Causeni district with a population of over 34 383 inhabitants. Neighbouring the town of Causeni are also three localities in Stefan Voda district with a total population of 9541 people. From the nominated localities 35 thousand 950 are economically active persons. In the city of Causeni there is a Vocational School where young people study 7 trades.
The city has a network of national and international motorways and railways, which offers a number of advantages for future development. The district is crossed by an international route to Ukraine, 460 km long.
The distance from the city of Causeni to the city of Odessa, including the seaport in this city, is 126 km of modernized road. The distance from Chisinau airport to the city of Causeni is 61 km.
Manufacturing industry and agriculture are the dominant branches of the district’s economy, on which budget revenues and social-economic development directly depend.
Activity in the real sector of the economy is oriented towards the development of the manufacturing industry, investment and export activities, small business development, which have contributed to the revival of production activity, increased productivity and competitiveness of products and strengthened the competitive environment.
The city of Causeni has water and sewage, natural gas, electricity infrastructure with capacities that allow the development of industry, including within the sub-area “Balti”, networks being in close proximity to the land of the sub-area.
The Causeni District Council has allocated financial resources for the preparation of the execution documentation for the modernization of the water and sewerage, electricity and natural gas networks. The preparation of the documentation is at the final stage. Cooperation with internal and external investment partners will allow the modernization of the networks in the period before the construction of the production halls begins.